Monday, January 8, 2007

It's been a while

Was at Queensbay Mall (who wasn't ^_^) last weekend, and came across an interesting thing.

Penang people recycle!

Well, at least that's what I think they try to do...

Was here with the family

Having part of this (Maple Stack - RM7.50, ordered by my son but he couldn't finish)

And this (a portion of the "Treasure Box" - RM16.50)

(note to Paddington's - buy sweeter strawberries wont'cha?)

When I saw a waitress take the jug of "maple" syrup from our table as we were leaving and pass it to another table as the people at that table were starting to eat. Now luckily my kids don't play with their food (good training, thanks to the missus), but I wouldn't be surprised if that jug of syrup had been making the rounds the whole day.

Is there a problem with just getting a new jug of syrup to each customer? I know maple (if it really is the real Canadian stuff, which I doubt) is rather pricy, but hey, you're charging us an arm and a leg for the food, so can't you even practice some basic sanitary skills?

Anyway, that's my rant for today.


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