Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Anti obesity programme - enhanced model

I was reading in The Star that Singapore has stopped an anti-obesity programme, as the kids were getting teased. Then I got to wondering whether the Malaysian government would like to improve their anti-obesity programmes by doing the following:

  1. Set up massive centers of Wii consoles in each major city
  2. Allow only people with obesity problems to use these machines, and make sure that they play more physically active games
  3. As an incentive, allow the participants to take a Wii home if they are able to hit their correct BMI, so that they can maintain their weight
All that money we saved with last year's petrol price hike can now be used for the benefit of the people, rather than non-existent road maintanence or kickbacks for useless street "enhancement" projects.

I'd also like to see an end to all these trendy "Fitness centers" - replace them with Wii centers and charge per hour. I think this would get more people exercising.

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